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It’s a verifiable truth that the marketing you do or don’t do today will affect your business down the road…

What is meant by this..? Simple, in the “Marketing Game” all the hard work done today or tomorrow may not be reflected in your revenue / sales results for weeks or sometimes months to come… Nonetheless, the harder you work today on your marketing efforts the better off your business will be in the weeks and months ahead… To review our Marketing Planning Process, click on the image below:
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Your marketing efforts should be an ongoing process but when your business has an extra good month or quarter, it’s easy to lose sight of this, and there is a temptation is to start slacking off on your business’ marketing campaigns.

On the other hand, you may have tried a variety of different marketing approaches but none of your campaigns seems to have clicked or the ROI wasn't worth the effort. What business hasn’t gone through this experience?

Because of these poor results you may want to cut back or even stop your marketing efforts all together; don’t do it!

The truth is if you slow down on your marketing efforts you have in essence decided to discontinue to pursue new opportunities or prospects and should expect your revenue flow will also slow down as a direct result. Think back you probably have to admit that when you slowed down your marketing efforts things got worse not better. Your marketing efforts WILL start to pay off, even if a first it doesn't seem like they are, because nothing works like consistency and persistence.

Marketing is a mixture of part Science, part Art.

The "Science" part of this mixture are the actual marketing methods employed, such as, direct mail, telemarketing, billboards, email campaigns or search engine optimization of an existing web site.

The "Art" part of the marketing equation is to evaluate the results of your marketing efforts and eliminate the marketing campaigns that net little or no results and expand on the marketing campaigns that prove effective.

If you haven’t already begun this process or would like to rethink your current marketing strategies here is no time like the present to contact SMarketing to schedule a free to review your business' marketing strategies; let us help you make your revenues grow!

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